Monday 15 June 2015

Manually Challenged!

Regular readers of this blog will know that I have been trying to follow the challenges laid down by Katy each month to discover and try out hitherto unknown settings on my camera. This month's challenge was very daunting - to dispense with the comfort of automatic or pre-set settings and go into freefall with manual!

My husband thinks I spend too much time dithering over taking photos as it is, so this was definitely going to be a challenge and a half :) Fortunately, for me, said husband took himself off to Ireland on a golfing trip last week so at least I wasn't clock watching as well as trying to get my head around the manual settings!

The gardens in a local stately home are just coming into their best so that was my first port of call for the manual challenge.

Gardens, Belsay Hall Northumberland

I am used to only having to think about one setting when I take my photographs, so as you can probably imagine having to consider several things seemingly at once took a bit of getting to grips with! Landscapes, at least, don't move which is more than can be said for the subject of the next challenge photo.

A while ago my mum gave me a solar-powered butterfly decoration for a pot plant. Although the plant was sitting next to a set of patio doors, it clearly didn't get enough sun as the butterfly never moved an inch. A recent reshuffle of the rooms lead to said plant being relocated to the greenhouse. When we then had wall-to-wall sunshine for the next few days, well I am sure that you can image what happened! The poor butterfly has been frantically beating its' wings ever since :)

The perfect subject to challenge my manual skills. Just in case you think I have cracked it though, here is my first attempt :)

Not quite so obvious there is a butterfly there is it?

I have certainly enjoyed this challenge, and would never have attempted the manual settings on the camera without it, but I suspect that it will take a lot more practise on my part before using the manual settings comes anywhere near naturally to me.

How about you? Are you a point and shooter, or do you know your way around your camera settings like a pro?

Linking up to

Camera Challenge Outtake - Where Shall I Take My 'Where I Went On My Holidays' Photos This Year?


  1. Yay you, well done for embracing it! The butterfly looks fab, and believe me, I have plenty of failure shots lol

  2. Well done! Shooting in manual mode is a bit scary at first, but it gets easier with practice.

  3. good photos you are certainly getting into this camera.

  4. Your 'butterfly' shot is great, no blurring at all. I used to use a manual camera with no bother at all before the automatic ones became affordable but now, well, I'm so used to point and shoot I don't think I could go back to manual!

  5. Well done. I love your photos. I'm afraid I'm a point and shooter. Both my cameras are completely idiot proof, they have to be.

  6. Well done. I love your photos. I'm afraid I'm a point and shooter. Both my cameras are completely idiot proof, they have to be.

  7. If it makes you feel any better the pros say you get 1 good shot in 10 and 1 great shot in 10 good ones!

  8. I very impressed - I'm even worse than point-and-shoot - I'm grab-the-phone!!!! In my defence my camera is pre digital! Both girls did A level photography, and so there is a proper camera around, (not that I'd know where to find it!) but I think even they did more on composition than the workings!

  9. Sad to say, point and click for me. You are powering along!!!

  10. Your photography is going from strength to strength :)

  11. I find even click and point challeging but your photo is very impressive!

  12. Point and click here! Your butterfly looks amazing.

  13. I'm with you on the trials and tribulation of "manual"! My first attempt was so dark I deleted it immediately. I'd never have attempted using "manual" either if it hadn't been for Katy's push! I guess we just have to keep practising. I'm still feeling optimistic about the outcome, after all I've learnt a ton already!


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