Friday 15 May 2015

Not one but two finishes!

I am surprised to find that I have not one, but two finishes to report this week! I shall probably have to lie down in a darkened room for a while after writing this post to recover :)

First up is this paper-pieced patchwork pouch (that's a bit of a mouthful to say!), which I have been wanting to make for a while.

The pattern for the pouch is from Patchwork Please by Ayumi Takahashi, which I bought when it first came out a while ago, but this is the first project that I have actually made from it. I am delighted with how the pouch turned out, but there was some head-scratching involved in interpreting the instructions.

"Mark the centre points on both long edges of the panel 1.25" from either corner"
I still have not been able to work out this one!

Emboldened by my success though, I decided to have a go at another project from the book. Rather rashly I thought that I would have a go at the Embroidery Pouch, where I hit my first problem. The pouch in the book has a delightful patchwork star pattern for the front panel, but although there are several other paper piecing patterns for other projects in the book, readers were blithely instructed to draw templates on paper to create their own. Now, it may just be me, but I feel that if I have paid good money for a book of patterns then maybe it is not unreasonable to expect that the patterns might be included! As it was the templates provided to piece the star block front panel needed to be resized and given my recent problems with the photocopies I didn't really think that my son would take too kindly to another request :)

So, I decided to do my own thing instead!

I rummaged through my scrap basket to find all my sewing related fabrics and used them to create this front panel.

The interior of the pouch includes a see-through vinyl pocket with binding. Given that vinyl is not a material that many sewers will have a lot of experience with, I thought that the instructions for the pocket were particularly sparse. Again, I never could get my head around the binding instructions, so after one failed attempt trying to understand them I gave up and did it my own way. It seems to have worked :)

Again, I am happy with how the Embroidery pouch turned out but I do feel that it was despite rather than because of the instructions.

I won't be put off trying other projects in the book, but I will be more wary of the instructions for the projects from the outset.

If you can make head nor tail of the marking instruction do let me know, as it has me completely baffled :)

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts

Sew the Library at Weekend Doings


  1. Both are lovely finishes but I really love the embroidery pouch. I need someone holding my hand all the way on a project so I would have been tempted to give up if the instructions were poor. Well done!

  2. They are both fantastic. Maybe use the book as a kind of inspirational jumping off point.

  3. They are both fantastic. Maybe use the book as a kind of inspirational jumping off point.

  4. Nice work! I have the same book, but have been put off making anything from it as everyone seems to have trouble with the "destructions" (instructions that destroy your project). But I love both of the projects you made so I'm tempted to flick through the book again :)

  5. What a shame the instructions are so naff when the projects are so lovely! I accept that Internet instructions can be rubbish but a printed book should surely have been proof read and had the patterns tested! I struggle with instructions anyway- I'd rather look at a pic and then make it up myself!!! But well done on the ones you've made, they look fab (was there much paper piecing in the PPPP? It just looks like HSTs?)

  6. They are both beautiful, but I especially like the embroidery pouch. I think you'll be using that a lot, not only for embroidery, but you could use one for EPP take-along projects as well. It's a pity the instructions are so confusing; that often happens when the translator knows nothing (or very little) of the subject matter.

  7. they both turned out really lovely despite the instructions! I love the embroidery pouch. Books that have crap instructions or are missing patterns really annoy me, it's as though the publishers think they can print any old thing and sell it, sod the end user.

  8. I'm currently working with a book that has me baffled, too. Not only are the instructions quite vague, they don't employ any of the easy methods we count on for HST, etc. Frustrating to say the least. Despite that, your bag is really adorable, and make me want to peruse the book's pictures at least.

    Thanks for sharing today.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

  9. Cheers on TWO, count 'em two, finishes! Too bad pattern testers didn't find the problem spots, but you solved them well. Claire aka Knitnkwilt

  10. Lovely little finishes! I hope you're not too worn out to enjoy the week-end ahead! ☺ Thank you for linking up with TGIFF!

  11. Love your bag and the awesome embroidery pouch!!! And great job on getting two projects done this week :D Great feeling isn't it?

    ~ Jess ~
    Everything Is Coming Up Rosie

  12. Love both projects, they are very handy to have and it's always good to rummage in the scrap box for a project.

  13. That is so frustrating to have poor instructions when you have paid for the pattern. However, your projects look lovely, you've done a great job despite the obstacles.

  14. Your embroidery pouch is very nice with all the inside features. And now you know how not to write pattern instructions! Reading directions has never been my favorite thing about patterns. A picture is worth a thousand words to me. Glad they turned out so well despite the head scratching so you can enjoy them. Janita

  15. I think that book is not for me! But your 2 pouches turned out beautifully, I especially love the inside of that sewing one.

  16. Wow they are beautiful and the inside of the embroidery pouch looks like the kind of super-useful thing I should be making! I agree it is very cheeky for instructions to write "make your own templates" - they should at least give you the templates for the example one in the book and then say "make your own templates if you want a different design". I think this is the same book as the teabag holder which I have made 2 of and which both recipients have been delighted with, so I will be making things from it again despite its shortcomings. In fact I think I might do the embroidery pouch next!!

  17. Beautiful projects despite the instructions - I've had problems with pattern instructions in the past, but that sentence takes the biscuit!!!

  18. That embroidery pouch is just adorable, and your very alliterative paper pieced patchwork pouch project (see what I did there? lol!) is adorable :) I don't have the book (I think my friend does though) - that pouch is one of the projects I see around the www that I would love to make, but the instructions - wow! It's so disappointing to pay good $$ for books only to find that you have to enlarge the pattern pieces (or worse - draft your own??!!!), the instructions aren't well written, or you find out (usually after you try to make something) that there are multiple errors in the book (I'm thinking of a different book with that latter point). I want to see photographs of the construction (or photographs AND drawings) - not just drawings, and it's nice when they include a link to printable patterns so I don't have to break the spine of the book to photocopy them. Craft book publishers should be using actual crafters to trial, review and critique the instructions - I frequently see requests for testers on authors blogs - that should be the standard! You certainly made lemonade out of lemons though! I tend to use craft books more for inspiration, patterns and sizing information more than for actual instructions :D (And while I'm on my soapbox - don't you HATE spending good $$$ for a book only to find it only has 2 or 3 projects you like? ARGH!)

  19. I like your embroidery pouch! Love working with plastic :) I have to make myself a new one at some point...

  20. I've made the embroidery pouch before and I've been racking my brains trying to remember how I did it! I think I foundation paper pieced it - so printed out the template at 200% and then cut it into the sections she suggested. It worked nicely - I do remember that! I have made the pincushion which really was straightforward :-) But I have read so many reviews about the boxy pouch that you made - seems like no-one can understand the instructions! Your's came out wonderfully though :-)

  21. Two gorgeous finishes! I've got some vinyl from a car booting trip but haven't yet got around to using it, must give it a go as yours looks so professional in your pouch xx

  22. I have made the pin cushion and a hot pad holder from that book. When I make the 2 projects you made, I will come to you for help!!!

  23. Despite the poor instructions, both projects look great, Fiona. It's disappointing when you pay good money for a book or pattern, only to have to do the work that should have been done by the designer.

  24. Beautiful finished Fiona. Love the paper pieced patchwork. It is disappointing when a book doesn't provide clear instructions. But despite of that you managed to create two beautiful projects so perfectly made.
    Maybe you should link up to Sew the Library this month. Starts on the 20th.

  25. Lovely finishes - and even better that you persevered and did your own versions!

  26. Good for you! I can't seem to muster up the nerve to make pouches although I do love them

  27. Wonderful projects.....Yes, poorly written instructions is a bummer. You did just fine on your own they are sweet!


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