Friday 1 May 2015

Done and Dusted!

The deadline for shipping for my first IG swap has arrived! Well the deadline for international shipping at least, so I can share at last the final contents of the package currently winging its way to my partner.

You have already seen

the Kilt Pin Brooch and the

Thistle-like linen pouch

My main project took a bit more effort mostly, it has to be said by my son!

Lauren Bag for Outlander Swap

My final make was this Lauren bag from the book, Making Vintage Accessories by Emma Brennan. I love the projects in this book and was looking forward to tackling a new one to me, but all the patterns in the book need to be increased before you can use them. It is the only drawback in an otherwise excellent book.

This was where said son came in. Calling in the odd favour or two, I asked him to photocopy the patterns for me, which he duly did. However, when I called in to collect them he discovered that whilst he had retrieved the photocopies from the library copier he had left the book behind! Well a pattern is all very well, but it helps to have the instructions to go with it :)

When he called into the library to try and retrieve the book, he discovered that one of the librarians had been so taken with the book that they had built an entire display around it, which he was about to ruin by removing the main item! Cue one rather sheepish son :)

Still the book and the pattern were finally reunited and I got cracking on the bag.

The swap is based on the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon and was timed to coincide with the release of the new TV series based on the books. The original scenes in the book, upon which this first series is based, are set in the 1940's just after the end of WWII, so this bag based upon an 1940's pattern seemed like the perfect make for my (very silent!) swap partner.

The linen for the flap was brought back from Latvia, and the wool for the main body was a lucky find in a scrap bag of fabrics bought many moons ago. The satin for the pleated front was another lucky find in my stash, but I have no idea what it was originally bought for. I am sure I had something specific in mind at the time :)

Outlander Bag interior

I have been hoarding this Flea Market Fancy by Denyse Schmidt since buying it in a sale over a year ago, so thought it would be the ideal lining to brighten up the very muted palette of the bag exterior.

Outlander Swap all

I am thrilled with how this bag turned out and delighted to have another finish done and dusted, and a new experience to boot, it is all good!

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts

Sew the Library at Weekend Doings


  1. OMG the library giving your book the red carpet treatment = priceless! It would have been cool if your son had gotten a photo of the book in it's starring role :D Your bag is awesome - it's provenance even moreso - lucky recipient!

  2. Ae you swapping the bag too? I could not bear to part with it, so gorgeous. The shape is amazing as is the fabric selection. I like the fact it is not too blingy and you have just left the textures of the wool and the satin speak for themselves. Great pattern so I'm glad your son was able to retrieve the book.
    Am I missing something with Outlander? What channel is it on?
    Have a great weekend.

  3. someone is going to be thrilled to its when your parcel arrives, 3 lovely makes and had a chuckle reading about the book and it`s staring roll, hope the library have purchased some for others to borrow now

  4. What a beautiful bag, I think any swap partner would be over the moon to receive that parcel. And your book sounds really interesting, I'll have to go off and investigate that.

  5. Lucky swap partner! You've done a brilliant job with your bag, I hope you'll be making one for yourself too.

  6. Your swap partner is SO lucky! This is a gorgeous bag and a great story! You must be very sorry to see it go:)

  7. Beautiful bag, must get into IG swaps they look fun!

  8. I love that bag, what a great shape! I don't understand silent swap partners. It's one of the things that's always put me off swaps. I finally bit the bullet and joined one and was given a partner with an empty blog, and empty IG profile and no other social media presence! I dropped out...

  9. the bag is GOREOUS! and what a great anecdote to go with it.

  10. What a great bag! I love the story you included- I used to work in a library, and we would find all sorts of things in the copier. This must be a great book to inspire a display!

  11. What a fantastic bag!! I love it. I'm sure your swap partner will be thrilled! I certainly would be.

  12. How frustrating to have s silent partner, but I'm sure she will love it, and if she had things going on that took her away from stalking the teasing photos this will certainly cheer her up x

  13. what an amazing swap partner you are Fiona. This is a gorgeous package - I hope your partner really appreciates it :-)

  14. That's a gorgeous bag Fiona! Your swap partner is very lucky indeed.

  15. That is so funny! I would love to see a photo of the display too! The bag is incredible and you have one very lucky swap partner. Where did you get your thistle linen?

  16. How can you bear to give that gorgeous bag away, Fiona? Lucky, lucky partner!!! It's fabulous that the different fabrics all came from your stash. You have done an awesome job combining them as you have.

  17. Gorgeous! I would absolutely love that myself - one very lucky partner!


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