Wednesday 25 February 2015

New to Me in February

Welcome to another New to Me link party, where we congratulate and commiserate on the trials and tribulations of attempting the unknown :)

My New to Me's this month are all about the equipment,

First up, Katy's Camera Challenge meant trying New to Me settings on my fancypants camera. Landscape shots will never be the same again, and anything that moves now is fair game for the sports mode :)

Next up, another piece of fancypants equipment, the Stitch Regulator on my new sewing machine. I was told when I bought the machine that this little beauty wouldn't revolutionise my FMQ'ing, but I think they were lying. It might not revolutionise my quilting but it has definitely improved my confidence in my ability and that is good enough for me :)

My final piece of equipment that was New to Me this month, were these wonderful curved applique scissors from Sew Hot, who just happens to be another of the lovely sponsors of our Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew giveaway prizes.

These scissors are the real deal, they really grip the fabric so that you can cut really closely up to the stitching, which made such a difference when I used them on this block.

I only wished that I had bought them sooner, it would have made this block a whole lot simpler, although it wouldn't have changed the need for the border when I sliced off an extra inch by mistake!

So that's my New to Me this month, now it is your turn to share all the fascinating things that you have been up to in February. As ever please help to spread the word by linking back to this post in your post and/or adding the blog button to your sidebar.

Check out the other links too and, maybe, leave an encouraging comment along the way. The emphasis of this link party is to celebrate the trying of something new, whether it works out exactly as planned or not, so a little encouragement here and there would not go amiss! 

The link will remain open until 23.59GMT on February 28th, so you have some time to try something new and link up and join the party :)


  1. How awesome that the BSR was so freeing for you!

  2. You'll be the queen of applique and FMQ before you know it ... and then you can take great pics to share, lol! I'm happy to have several new-to-me projects to post this month - will link the one I've already blogged, and will try to get the other ones up in a few days :D

  3. You are powering ahead learning how to use your new camera, Fiona. I'm counting my free motion embroidery as a new to me this month, as that's when I finished the pouches - even though I started last year.

  4. Have fun with your camera. It took me a while to get used to mine, but I love it.

  5. Great equipment post Fiona. I am especially interested in the appliqué scissors. I have just started collecting together equipment and essential bits and bobs to make a full size blue and white appliqué quilt. I have bought two pairs of scissors so far, Karen Kay Buckleys and Apliquick but I do not have any curved scissors yet so I shall take a look

  6. I'm going to have to look into the scissors, I'm a bit of a frugal type and wouldn't have considered a pair just for appliqué previously but now I'm in my (early!) forties my eyesight is a little weaker and they sound great!

  7. I had no idea there were applique scissors! What a great invention!!!

  8. Haven't seen those scissors before Fiona but I'm well acquainted with the BSR. Actually I'm not a huge fan of it myself, I'd been fmqing long before I had a Bernina and a BSR and we just haven't been able to make friends seeming to prefer to fight each other all the way so I don't use mine. Having said that all customers I've sold Berninas to and my students are well away as soon as they use the BSR and Flicky's a huge fan, I think if you haven't done much fmq before then it is very liberating and takes a lot of fear and apprehension out of the whole process. Do you use BSR1 or BSR2, I love watching people using it for the first time just by moving the fabric, it's priceless?

  9. Those scissors scissors sound great :)

  10. What a great idea for linky party. I have become a big believer in the right tools. Enjoy yours!!



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