Wednesday 4 February 2015

Dusting off a WIP

I have resolved that this year there will be more finishes than starts, which is very difficult when there are so many tempting new projects around to test my willpower.

However, I am beginning to be embarrassed by the just started, half-finished, almost finished projects that are currently gathering dust in my sewing cupboard. So, having found myself with a couple of 2.5" strips of white solid and a pile of triangles I knew exactly what to do with them.

Turn them into these, which will be added to strips received from my Bee mates in the Sunday Morning Quilts Bee and then added to these.

Bee blocks close up 

Someday, they will all become a quilt :)

Linking up for the first time in a long time to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

and Quilter in the Closet


  1. Lovely! Sometimes pulling out a WiP and making progress feels better than starting something new, even if it is a shiny, super tempting new project. I really like all the greens in your new blocks.

  2. I'm all for this, clearing out UFOs, eager to see how your quilt progresses - Chris :D

  3. Once a project gets relegated to the cupboard in my sewing room, it rarely ever sees the light of day again. Not sure why it's harder to re-start an old project than a new one, but it is. Good luck with yours, Fiona.

  4. Good idea to finish off some UFO's. I must do the same! Thanks.

  5. I wondered what happened to this one! I've got more triangles if you need them! X

  6. It is going to be a lovely quilt. I thought of you the other day when I found a bag of triangle scraps. Do you want some more?

  7. Oh I just posted a comment but it disappeared - that seems to happen to me randomly, on and off - weird! Stash busted and pretty blocks for a "some day" quilt completed - win/win!

  8. I do love the look of that quilt in Sunday Morning Quilts. It will be lovely to be sure! Thanks for linking up to Building Blocks Tuesday this week.

  9. Good luck with that! I'm also attempting to try and finish some WIPs, but I'm not telling myself a particular order in the hope that I will organically move through them all *ahem*


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