Monday 22 December 2014

Snowballs and Seams

In a bid to catch up with my Bee commitments before the family arrive and chaos ensues I have been tackling some old and new favourite blocks.

First up the appropriately named Snowball block for Hannah in the Siblings Together Quilting Bee

STQB December block
Hannah asked for blocks in blue, aqua or green so this should fit the bill.

Next up a rainbow block for Sarah in the Fat Stash Brit Bee

I had never tried a stacked coin block before and have to confess that I did have to redo one of the strips as the rainbow coin ended up levitating in mid-air rather than stacking! Aside from that small hiccough it was fun to put together. 

My final block, I am ashamed to admit was due in November and whilst holidays and present delivering around the country was part of the reason for the delay it wasn't the entire reason. 

Nicky asked the  Siblings Together Quilting Bee members to create a block that called for sewing a partial seam. Having never attempted partial seams before I was a bit wary of the block, so procrastinated for quite a while before finally managing to put aside enough time to get my head around joining up half-stitched seams. 

Thankfully, it all worked out rather easier than I had anticipated and here is the result. 

STQB November block
I am not so sure that I would be up for making a quilt load of partial seam blocks, but I am delighted to have finally attempted and, if not mastered at least overcome the fear of partial seams!

Please tell me that I am not the only one who was wary of attempting blocks with partial seams :)

Linking up to

 Quilter in the Closet


  1. I have never heard of a partial seam, let alone sewn one. Loving the stacked coin block, Fiona, both the colours and the way it's precariously balanced.

  2. Those are all pretty blocks - the stacked one reminds me of a Jenga game :D I've done partial seams before - I stress out about them but then generally don't have problems, so apparently I just like to stress :D

  3. I have never attempted a partial seam if anything like a Y seam no way would I manage it! These blocks are looking good

  4. Love the stacked coins. Well done on the partial, they are easier with a longer block!

  5. I dreaded partial seams but when I did them they weren't so bad, but they do take extra time. All of the blocks are beautiful! Merry Christmas Fiona, enjoy your time with your family!!

  6. All lovely blocks, Fiona, as usual! I think you did partial seams for my blocks back in July :)

  7. I rather like that block for Nicky. All your blocks are lovely and anyone would be lucky to receive them! Thanks for linking up to Building Blocks Tuesday.

  8. These all look great! I love the one with partial seams :)

  9. Hey, I really like that stacked strips block. I had the same experience with partial seams, too. They intimidated me so much, I put off the item that had them for the longest time. And then they weren't as bad as I'd anticipated. :)


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