Sunday 7 December 2014

More nagging wives!

A few weeks ago I posted about the village of Chiddingstone with its' Chiding stone for nagging wives. Well, here is how nagging wives are dealt with in Bermuda!

Gossip board

First they hang this board around their neck, just in case they are not sure of the accusation made against them!

Then they put them on the ducking stool. You can see where this is going can't you!

Ducking stool2
Then they duck them!

Ducking stool3 

If they happen to voice any disagreement about the punishment, well then

Ducking stool2

they just duck them again!!

Seems like Bermuda wasn't the paradise it was cracked up to be :)


  1. OMG that's hysterical! If Canada ever comes up with a similar process I think I might need to be careful, LOL!

  2. Ha ha, thanks for sharing.

  3. Lol, better stay away then given your husband's threats ;o)

  4. Those pictures are too funny!!!! But oh my gosh, can you imagine?

  5. glad I have no on to nag or that could be me! looks like a man dressed up as a woman or I wrong there.
    Enjoy your stay in Bermuda you certainly jet about

  6. I am assuming there is a similar ritual for the lazy, good for nothin' man in Bermuda, no? Brilliant post x

  7. Better be on your best behaviour! Yikes! Happy to have found you on IG, Fiona! I hardly blog anymore!

  8. Oh dear......waiting for some manly consequences to give equal time to the nagging wives :) I think we wives are getting the brunt of the deal. It takes two to tango.... ;) Janita

  9. Haha, and what do they do to grumpy old men? Just got internet again after nearly 2 weeks without, so having a lovely bloggy catch up! Love nessa's boxy pouch!

  10. I hope the husbands got the same treatment!


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