Friday 5 December 2014

Late payment

Over a year ago I received this lovely embroidered pouch and stitching goodies from the very creative Catherine (check out her mini masterpieces masquerading as Artist Trading Cards!).

The pouch was my Pay it Forward gift from Catherine, which meant that I had then had to agree to send three more gifts out within a year to the first three commenters to sign up on this blog .

Well, time flew. I considered ideas for the gifts, discarded ideas for the gifts, considered more ideas, discarded more ideas. You get the picture, procrastination is my default position!

Suddenly the year was almost up and I still hadn't decided on a suitable project. Not only that but I was about to head off on (yet another I know!) holiday so that deadline was very definitely going to be missed.

A stern talking to was in order.

Talk delivered I jumped off that fence and made a decision to make three different gifts, one for each recipient which would be, I hoped, tailored to their likes. I had been following/stalking them for over a year I should have some idea of what they liked :)

To date, two of the Pay it Forward packages have been received so I can finally show you what I have been working on since I returned from holiday.

First up,

Pay it Forward 1

A travel sewing kit in linen and cotton for the exotically located Deborah who blogs at Sunshine through the Rain There might have been some Cadbury's chocolate tucked into the package to give Deborah a little taste of home :)

Next up,

Pay it Forward2

A linen and cotton pencil case for the lovely Jo, who blogs at the very wisely named Don't drink and sew That deep purple will hide a lot of wine stains!

For some reason I only have a photo of the back of the case, so you will have to take my word for it that there are tiny hexagons in Indelible (my current favourite fabric line!) on the front :)

As soon as the third parcel arrives I will share it with you too.

So better late than never. I really enjoyed receiving and sending the Pay it Forward parcels and would suggest that if you are thinking about taking part and get the opportunity then go for it. Surprise parcels of sewing goodness are always welcome:)

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. Oooo, the third package will be arriving at my house!!!!
    Can't wait to see it, these other two are just lovely, and so useful too! I'll let you know when it arrives - eek! Thanks so much, I love expecting parcels!

  2. Your gifts look so well made and the fabrics for the two projects compliment one another so well! Yay for marking an item off the to-do list!

  3. That reminds me that I signed up to Pay it Forward not too long ago. I just didn't realize that I was supposed to select and stalk my recipients right away. I guess I should get on that!

  4. I know that "considered, decided, considered, decided" conundrum - it's how I get every year when I try to decide on Christmas sewing - I change my mind about 85 times before finally settling on something :D

    Those are all pretty bags - I bet Nessa is rubbing her hands together with glee ... while stalking her mailman, lol!

  5. lovely gifts you have sent out here, have a lovely holoday

  6. that sewing travel kit is lovely :) can't wait to see your third one

  7. Beautiful pouches!! Both received and given!!! I HAD to see the hexies on the front so I hopped over to don't drink and sew. It was worth the hop!!

  8. Love that travel sewing kit! Congrats on getting your projects finished! :)

  9. Lovely gifts, I'll bet they are worth waiting for.

  10. Mine arrived today! And I love it! Green is my favourite colour, and you have made it so perfectly! Thank you so much, I can't get over that something was made especially just for me! I will write a blog pist of my own today and continue the Pay It Forward idea.
    Thanks so much! X

  11. Beautiful little gifts. So many uses.

  12. Wonderful gifts! I'm in the making stage of my pay it forward gifts. One is made and sent, another is half done and I haven't decided what to make for the third. I need to get that figured out, but I have a feeling it will wait until after Christmas now.

  13. Beautiful gifts, Fiona, especially the travel sewing kit.

  14. Thank you again so much Fiona. I just love my travel sewing kit, and will be paying it forward soon :-)

  15. Thanks for reminding me, I have 5 people waiting on PIF gifts, although I have until October next year. Maybe if I'm embrace your approach to Christmas gifts and start well in advance, I'll be done in time!


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