Sunday 28 December 2014

Competitive Cakes

Since our boys were little it has been a tradition in our family that they decorate the Christmas cake on Christmas Eve.  Even when they moved away from home, first to University and then to employment, cake decorating on Christmas Eve was still mandatory :)

The cakes started out with traditional themes like polar bears and Santa's but in recent years they have gone a bit "off-piste" with the Elvis year being a particularly memorable cake!

This year, with the three of them living away from home and two of them now married there were some changes afoot in the tradition.

So, during December I made them each a plain Christmas Cake and delivered them complete with packets of coloured icing and left them to their own devices.

Here's what happened next!

Middle Son and his wife went for a Cool Runnings theme for their cake

So we have Santa careering down a Bobsleigh run jettisoning presents right, left and centre! (If you haven't seen it, Cool Runnings is a brilliant film about the Jamaican Olympic Bobsleigh team)

Youngest Son went for a completely different tack altogether and opted for a Game of Thrones-themed cake!

Naturally, being a Northerner, it is a House Stark cake because Christmas is Coming. (For those of you not acquainted with Game of Thrones, the motto of House Stark, who rule over the lands in the North, is Winter is Coming)

Finally, our Eldest Son and his wife got their act together and decorated their cake. Being big Game of Thrones fans too, they went for a similar theme. Living and working in the South now, our Eldest chose to ignore his Northern heritage and opted instead to represent a Southern power, House Baratheon! Their motto "Ours is the Fury" needed a bit of tweaking though, so it became "Ours is the Christmas" which suits that stag much better I think.

So, it looks like we have a new family tradition in the making :)

Needless to say, being boys, there was an element of competitiveness in the unveiling, so I promised them all that I would post the photos on my blog and ask readers to vote for their favourite. Naturally I couldn't choose between them :)


  1. All are quite impressive. I can see they put their heart and sole into each. Will they be booted out if they don't win? I am going to vote for the bob sled.... I am female after all and Santa looks pretty, and I know nothing about the Game of Thrones. Though the second cake kind of reminds me of the look my 8 year old granddaughter gave me after she opened her present. She was not happy with my purchase. Needless to say that present will be returned. Thanks for sharing the cakes. A fun tradition. We also have cake to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Ours is Chocolate frosting on chocolate cake sans decorations :) Janita

  2. I vote for youngest son's cake. My son and his wife like in Glasgow, and when their children were growing up decorated birghday cakes were a big thing. Problem was their birthdays were within 3 weeks of each other, so they had cakes coming out their ears.

  3. Wow, those are quite the creations! I'll go for #1 as best embracing the theme

  4. HA what a great contest - I bet the kids had a blast decorating their cakes! I squeaked when I saw the snowman dropping presents from his sled, lol, so I'm voting for cake #1 :) They're all really imaginative though!

  5. I love your enthusiasm in keeping your boys firmly entranced in your family tradition of decorating the cakes. That you made & traveled with them is inspiring & although you did not decorate your own cake, YOU should be voted "Best Mother of the Christmas Season for Inspiration!"

    And, I vote for the luge & Santa--he has your enthusiastic nature. I am always a Loving Santa Girl.

    Congratulate yourself on being able to generate in your boys & wives a love for you to comply at all costs.

  6. Cake 3, cake 3! So much fun ALL of them!

  7. Kudos to you, Fiona, for keeping the tradition alive, albeit in a new form. I'm impressed with the detail on each cake. Must have taken them each ages to make. My vote goes to Middle Son and his wife for the Cool Runnings cake - yes, a fabulous movie, but I like Santa in the sleigh.

  8. All of your boys have obviously inherited their Mother's crafty gene!!! They are all impressive but Santa and his bobsled get my vote :)

  9. your boys have definately inherited your creative skills, did you do a cake too. Not knowing game of thrones I liked the santa one best I know him!

  10. Well, they are all great, but I'm going to go for 'Winter Is Coming' just because it must have been really hard to cut out that lion's head! (Missed Game of Thrones!) Great tradition :)

  11. Bobsleigh for me! We also have this tradition and the girls get together and decorate the cake will have to send you a picture! Hope you had a great Christmas. J

  12. I vote Cool Runnings cake. But you should be proud of your boys for doing this during a crazy time of the year! Thx for sharing

  13. How fun! I vote for the youngest :)

  14. Great tradition - but who is going to eat them all?!

  15. Great idea and three great cakes! My vote goes to No 3 but I'm impressed that all three sons produced such awesome decorations.

  16. My vote is for cool runnings, one of my fave films (and I've never seen game of thrones) I also like the 3Dness of #1 but they are all very talented and creative just like their mum!

  17. Cool tradition! I vote for Cool Runnings! My husband is the Game of Thrones fan, not me. When I am upstairs in my sewing room and he is downstairs watching the show on TV. all I hear from the sound track is screams. The Jamaican vibe is much better for Christmas. I love the presents tumbling off the back of the sled!

  18. I'm sure they're competitive! I vote for the Bob sled cake.

  19. What a great tradition and you boys a very talented cake decorators :)


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