Monday 3 November 2014

Patchwork Deckchair

On a recent trip to the Shipley Art Gallery I came across this deck chair.

Patchwork Deckchair

Isn't it lovely?


  1. very smart |i have seen a few deck chairs that have been converted into arty ones. Surely this was not Shipley Yorkshire, it is down the road from me get a lot of my fabric from a shop there

  2. That's fab! Strong enough to be used?

  3. WOW imagine all the work that went into that - it's like a piece of art!

  4. How very pretty. I've a few chairs here that need recovering but I think I'll be sticking to someting a lot more child proof.

  5. Well that's your next project sorted then ;o)

  6. Beautiful chair and what a great idea!

  7. This is incredible! You wouldn't be able to leave it out in the sun/rain in the summer here in Italy though! Great idea for personalizing director's chairs too!


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