Friday 19 September 2014

The end of the line

Well, it was a bit fraught but we got there in the end!

The final three bags were finished just in time for the wedding. The finish was so close I didn't have time to take a photo of the purse for the flower girl, but the rest of them are in the photo.

Wasn't this the perfect find in my stash for the interior of the bag made for the bride? Anyone would think I had been hoarding this especially :)

Phew! I am heading off for a well-earned break now!


  1. enjoy your break! yay for a storybook ending for the purses and the wedding!!!

  2. what lovely bags and will remind the bridesmaids what a lovely wedding they were used at

  3. Enjoy your break. The bags turned out so well and will be a fab reminder of the wedding day.

  4. Perfect fabric for the Bride, hope it all went off smoothly.

  5. Hmmm, anyone would think you had been keeping that fabric especially ;) Really hope the celebrations went off really well. Love the bags, such a special touch xx

  6. Well done Fiona, they look marvellous. I hope you had a wonderful time at the wedding

  7. I knew you'd make them in time, Fiona. Well done!!! They look fabulous and yes, the wedding ring fabric is perfect.

  8. Well done! I knew you are going to finish on time :)

  9. So so sweet - now sit down and put your feet up!

  10. Yay for your finish, looking forward to seeing pics of the main event! - Chris :D

  11. Congrats on getting them all done, hope the wedding went as well as the other union happening that day!

  12. What a fantastic reminder for the lucky recipients and I hope you all had a wonderful day xx

  13. they turned out lovely.


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