Friday 29 August 2014

More Japanese gifts

A Japanese bag kit somehow found its way into my basket when I was browsing the gorgeous fabrics on offer from Katie at Japan Crafts at the Japanese textiles workshop recently.  I wonder how that happened??

So, when I was looking for a gift bag recently for a birthday present for my niece I thought that it might be the answer to my search.

And it was!

The kit is the Hana Japanese Bag Kit and it couldn't have been more straightforward to put together. Hana apparently means flower in Japanese and the bag is named for the petal like appearance of the top flaps when the drawstring is closed. It was so quick to make and took only two FQ's of fabric plus the cord and two beads that I am sure that I will be making this again. So much more useful than a paper wrapping too :)

With the completed Sashiko cushion for my son, I am surprised to find that I have used everything that I bought or tried at the workshop. I usually have an unfinished piece of something hanging about for ages after classes or workshops, so it definitely makes a pleasant change to actually have some finished objects to show for my time.

Sadly the same cannot be said yet for the recent class on couching, where this is all I have to show for my time so far!

Not even any couching in sight either, however, my order of fancy new threads has now arrived so, hopefully, that will change soon :)

Well, once I work out what to do with them that is!

Linking up to  Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. Love the cushion and well done on the finishes. I'm like you and normally have stuff lying around for ages after workshops xx

  2. The Japanese workshop obviously really suited you then :-) As for Couching - I have no idea what that is!

  3. I absolutely LOVE the Japanese gift bag, Fiona, both the design and the fabric. I'm sure it will be appreciated so, so much more than wrapping paper.

  4. Love your Japanese finishes! My mum is working on a little Sashiko sunglasses case ... I think I might have to give it a got too ... it looks so relaxing :)

  5. Interesting pattern. You always have some very new to me things :)

  6. beautiful finishes! Maybe using up all the bits from a class will be a new trend for you! Couching is a technique i have wanted try ; will look forward to seeing how you use it on your owl. have a great weekend!!

  7. Very pretty wrapping! I never seem to get round to finishing class samples for donkey's ages either

  8. That Hana bag is so cool! Thanks for providing the link -- I'll be checking it out. Love the sashimi too, Fiona!

  9. The Japanese bag is beautiful. Isn't it fun learning new techniques! You may never use them again but how would you know until you tried? I have a few bit and pieces from classes never finished- trapunto heart, whole cloth cushion front etc. Someday…...

  10. I love that no one questions our logic that we have to buy something to be able to finish something else we already spent money on!!!! Gorgeous bag!

  11. I love the fabric you've used for the bag, and the cushion is gorgeous!

  12. I love your Japanese makes, the bag is really cool. I'm looking forward to seeing what the couching class was all about - seeing the padding there on the wing, was it a goldwork class?

  13. that is a lovely bag, I have done a sort of wallet but can not remember where I got the pattern from! Sashiko cushion is lovely too and your stumpwork is coming along well

  14. Lovely bag! I hope your niece appreciates the gift. :)

  15. I love when things find their way into my bag (or into my online shopping cart) :) Very pretty (or manly!) projects - I'll have to look up couching - I think I know what it is, but I'm not 100% sure :D My favourite is the Japanese bag - it's so pretty!

  16. Love your cushion and the Japanese bag looks beautiful. It looks sophisticated and I really like useful wrapping!


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