Tuesday 1 July 2014

Fabric Cards from scraps

If you are racing to get your projects finished before the FAL Q2 deadline, then maybe you shouldn't read this, but if you are so organised that they are all done and dusted already then pop on over to The Littlest Thistle to check out my tutorial for Fabric Cards from scraps!

We'll get that scrap pile reduced somehow :)


  1. What a great idea! These are lovely and those receiving will really appreciate them.

  2. I never thought about ironing the interfacing to paper :-)

  3. Sucah a great idea. The teapot is especially cute.

  4. Couldn't be more timely - mine is out of control!

  5. Who wouldn't love a teapot card? Super.

  6. another blog I now have to follow!! many thanks some lovely cards you have made here.

  7. Love that teapot!

  8. i have made cards with fabric before; this makes me want to pull out some scraps and make some more!! Fun cards Fiona!


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