Wednesday 2 April 2014

Back in the groove

The deadline for the fourth Round of the Scrappy Trip Around the World Bee is fast approaching, and the first of my blocks from my fellow Bees in Hive 4 arrived in the post this week.

STAW Rd4 first block recd

This great block from Maureen in Michigan was a timely reminder that I needed to get into gear and start whipping up those blocks.

STAW Rd 4 strips cut

So with my trusty Sizzix machine in hand I have started slicing up 2.5" strips for my blocks.

One of the challenges for me with Bees is selecting the fabrics, it always takes me ages to finally decide. This time around though I am making blocks for two Bee mates that I have already made for in previous rounds, so in theory that should make the decision making process a bit easier. We shall see if that turns out to be true :)


One block down, four more to go!

Linking up to

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. block looking good, you are like me up early and doing your blogging!

  2. I love Maureen's block,when I saw the cornflowers and poppies, my first thought was that it also serves as a timely reminder that this year sees the centenary of the start of WWI, very moving. Your block is also looking good, the dark graphic prints are very strong and make for a stunning effect. I have a Sizzix machine and as I don't really do papercrafts very much it tends to stay in a cupboard, you have inspiring me to look at it again!

  3. Fun block! How long are the strips you cut with your Sizzix? Do you think it is faster than rotary cutting or more accurate?

  4. love that selection of colours you have chosen :-)

  5. A gadget that cuts strips in the width you need is something I need to investigate. How do you find the Sizzix?

  6. Ooooh it's been a while since I've seen one of these! Love it!

  7. Your scrappy trips look fun! I like your fabric combinations!

  8. I don't think I'll ever go off this block !


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