Wednesday 19 March 2014

Decisions, decisions!

In an attempt to clear the decks to give me some time to at least get one more finish from my FAL list for this quarter before it ends, I have been working on a couple of small projects this week.

I need your help though to get today's project done and dusted.

Which fabric should I go with for the binding on this small mat? I really can't decide which one I like best.

I didn't realise either until I looked at the photo quite how many puckers there were, but the good news is that I have some applique to add to this which will, hopefully, hide most of them :) If it doesn't I have enough fabric (and hopefully time!) to re-do :)

Linking up to

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced   


  1. Hi...I like the green floral print however it is a bit big and might get lost. So I would probably go for the green star print.

  2. I always like a dot but the background color tones are different. The bottom one is my choice.
    LeeAnna Paylor

  3. I guess the binding will be quite narrow as it's a petite piece, so it would have to be a small print. If it were my choice I would go for either the coffee bean (?) or green star. I often find that the camera picks up creases or 'puckers' that aren't really there or are only very minor. I bet it looks fab in real life!

  4. I love that floral print on the bottom! Adds just the right pop with the darker green. Looking good!

  5. I agree with Josie about the puckers being a camera thing, and even if it they aren't you have much higher standards than mine as I would count on them disappearing into the general quiltiness when it is washed! Dot background looks a different colour so not that one but the others all look good. I like the floral too, depending on the size of your binding.

  6. What a cute project! I love the polka dots... I think the lighting makes it look different.

    1. Thanks Lorette, It is a closer match than it looks in the photo!

  7. I like the bottom one best followed by the dotty one bottom left x

  8. I would go with the flowery one.

  9. I like the solid top left corner.

  10. I second Gertie, bottom one, then the left one! xx

  11. I like the bottom one. It adds a nice contrast.

  12. i like the green floral at the bottom!!!

  13. I like the floral but think maybe big pattern would get lost when used as binding so the little stars come a close second! :-)

  14. I like the one along the bottom in the photo.

  15. I like the plain one at the top.

  16. You've probably already chosen one but I'd choose the bottom one for a binding. I love how you quilted on a grid so that the dots are in the center.

  17. I really like the bottom one it really brings out the main color of the mat. But probably your had already chosen. Really looking forward to seeing how you finished it.

  18. Did you finish this project? I've just been catching up on your blog, but I must have missed the finished mat, if you posted it.


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