Friday 12 July 2013


Before we headed off on holiday I (just) managed to get my June blocks for the SMQ Bee finished and in the post. One of the blocks was for my lovely Bee mate Martha, who takes the most wonderful photographs, if you haven't come across her blog before it is definitely worth checking out.

Sewing Hexiecase

Martha came up trumps in the Crafty Cooks Swap, when a swapper let her partner down, so this was my chance to repay her in a small way for her generosity. A sewing-themed Hexiecase, as I know that a girl can never have too many pouches :)

The pattern for the case is by Amy from During Quiet Time and is available in her Etsy shop. The pouch is really straightforward to put together and is a great way to use up fabric scraps. I made life harder for myself by using fusible fleece for the interfacing, which made attaching the hexagons at each end more of a challenge, but other than that it was a dream to make.

Hexie double

This is the third Hexiecase I have made and they have all been a cinch to put together. The blue one in the photo above is currently in use as my make-up bag. It holds a deceptively large amount for its' size.  Fortunately,  it was not in the vanity case when it came into contact with the crane :)

So this is my Friday Finish which I am linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts

My Quilt Infatuation


  1. Fiona your hexiecases are lovely.

  2. Great cases Fiona, I'm sure Martha will love hers and doesn't she just take the best photos?! :)

  3. that is a fab pouch! I'm off to see these amazing photos, can't imagine they'd be better than my mini-works-of-art... (yes, I know, a dog turd is better than my photos...)

  4. Oooh, great hexiecases, Fiona. Lucky Martha!

  5. Fantastic pouches! Love the fabric choices too, the prints are so cute! I like the shape of these pouches a lot. Thanks for linking to the pattern!

  6. those pouches are great! the blue one is my favorite! I love those fabrics!

    Thanks so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  7. I really like the shape of these pouches, Fiona. Not only do they look great, but the zipper's not attached to the corners, which sometimes makes it hard to get nice corners. As always, I like your fabric choices.

  8. What a good idea, that hexie case. Yours look wonderful!

  9. I've seen these and love them. Yours is darling! I need to add this to my "must sew" list! :)

  10. Great idea. Love your wonderful hexie case.

  11. Your hexie cases are great and they look like they hold a good amount of bits and pieces.

  12. Such cute cases and a great idea! I'm planning some EPP and hadn't even thought about storing all the bits :)

  13. Very cute little pouches! Whoop whoop!!

  14. Really nice....great pattern.

  15. Hi Fiona, I've featured your Hexiecases today...

  16. The cases are lovely. I especially like the fabrics.

    1. Thanks Yvonne, the pouches are great for using up scrap fabric strips.

  17. lovely hexi cases, well done xxxxxx

  18. Great case selection :o) BTW, if you use fusible fleece, cut it out without seam allowances, it'll all go together nicely then :o)

  19. I love my new pouch Fiona. It was such a pleasant surprise when I opened the mail and found my gorgeous bee block plus a new pouch. I'm a lucky lady. Thank you so much!


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