Friday 26 July 2013

And then there were three!

When Kristy asked for pattern testers for her paper-pieced little houses I jumped at the chance. The house blocks are 6" finished, and would be perfect I thought as complementary blocks to the fabulous house blocks my Star of Africa Bee mates are sending.

I haven't paper-pieced for a while, which is why I am currently 2 blocks behind in Kristy's And Sew On BOM, so I hoped that some tiny little houses might help encourage my paper-piecing mojo to return too :)

Two tiny houses

And it seems to have worked!

The house on the left was the pattern that Kristy asked me to test, which went together like a dream, well apart from this rather stupid self-inflicted error :(

That is what happens when you are so busy making sure that your seam allowances are right that you forget to actually look and see whether you are sewing the pieces together correctly! Fortunately, easily resolved with some quick unpicking.

Once that was sorted I had a go at the next of the 9 blocks that Kristy has designed, and then I had a go at the next one after that!

Three tiny houses

Then I thought that a road full of houses and nothing else wouldn't be a very pleasant place to live. so I re-sized another one of Kristy's blocks, Pine Tree Park, and added some trees to my burgeoning village.

Three houses and trees

Now my original intention was to join these 4 blocks together to make a 12.5" block that will match the Bee blocks I have received, but the houses were so straightforward to put together (apart from the obvious clanger!) that I am having second thoughts.

Alternative arrangement

I think they would look great as a border on the top and bottom of the final quilt, or would that be too much? Decisions, decisions. Whatever I decide I will be making more of those houses that is for sure! Thanks Kristy.

If you have tried something new this month, whether it is paper-piecing or painting, don't forget to link up to July's New to Me link party here

Check out some of the wonderful activities that your fellow bloggers have been trying out this month, whilst you are there.

Linking this finish up to Crazy Mom Quilts

Paper Piecing Party  
plum and june


  1. They're nice and they look great all together as one block, but I can imagine they would also make a lovely border. See, I'm no help at all!!

  2. What a cheery neighbourhood you are creating. That Mid Century one is my favourite.

  3. These are so fun! I love the trees. The upside down roof made me chuckle!!

  4. I see a city in your future ;o)

  5. Great blocks and they would make the best border :)

  6. Very cute houses, I love the tree block in the mix

  7. love those houses, though I quite liked the one with the amazing floating roof until you ruined it! ;0)

  8. Hey, those are neat houses! Love the trees with them, too. Thanks for linking up at TGIFF :D

  9. Oh these came together breautifully! Thanks so much for testing them for me. Fab to hear that they are straightforward and somewhat addictive to make hehe!

    The upside down roof gave me a giggle - been there done that.

  10. These are just too cute. I enjoyed testing one of these for Kristy too - and I agree they could get very addictive :-)

  11. Fab houses, I reckon they'd make a great quilt on their own, but a great border too xxx

  12. Lovely houses. I'm making houses too right now.

  13. I love them as a border. They would look great in a lumbar cushion. I could see these on my sofa no problem!

  14. Brilliant - I know that feeling of upside down pieces!

  15. Just loving these blocks they are so gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing (

  16. Love your house blocks, Fiona! I think they'd look fabulous as a border. One day I'd like to try those. I see something new and immediately I want to try it, but it will just have to wait.

  17. Cute houses! I always like make houses and look for different pictures.

  18. Haha, I've done that before too.

  19. The houses are cute!! Love them!! I've never tried paper piecing.

    1. You should definitely give it a go Akainik! The blue and brown dot house is a great one to start with.

  20. So, so cute! I'm pretty new to paper piecing but think it could be addictive. :)

  21. SOOOO nice to see that I'm not the only one that makes silly errors in piecing sometimes. Very cute houses with their rooves on the right way up. LOL

  22. What darling little houses! I need to paper piece something again!!!!

  23. Those are so cute! And I love the addition of the trees.

  24. What darling wee houses! And I love the addition of the trees - perfect! ~Jeanne

  25. I love the addition of trees to your little village. I think they will make a great border.

  26. Great houses going on there! My fav is the red one with a slanted roof.

  27. Just love little houses mixed with trees - coming along nicely.

  28. What fun blocks! They will make a wonderful border.

  29. I like the little city you are building. The trees add a lot to it!

  30. Those houses are cute and fun! I hate it when I do something silly like that. Thankfully, most fabric is somewhat forgiving!

  31. Very cute houses. I've recently tried paper piecing and have noted a tendency to be so focused on getting the pieces pinned together that I, like you did, forget to watch which end I'm sewing to which.


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