Wednesday 1 May 2013

Post and progress

The first of the month and a WIP Wednesday that is definitely a good time to check out progress :)

The monthly mosaic definitely shows that sewing and baking were top of the list for April, could it be something to do with all those buns and cakes around at Easter, do you think?

1. Insulated pot mat, 2. Crafty Cooks Apron Front, 3. SMQ block April 2, 4. SMQ block April 1, 5. And Sew On April block, 6. Crafty Cooks Apron back

So to the WIP's where progress of a sort has been made.

I have started the quilting on my In Color Order HST BOM quilt! Only one line of sashing quilted in the ditch, but at least it is a start. (Excuse all the fluff it is everywhere!)

I can't decide on how to quilt the individual blocks, should I go for similar quilting for each block or a pattern that is particular to the block? All suggestions welcome but bear in mind my (limited) quilting abilities :)

I've even found the time to make a start on some paper-piecing for a block that I volunteered to test for Gemma at Pretty Bobbins. (If you love FMQ'ing Gemma has a great giveaway on her blog right now!)

With a fair wind the block will be finished this week and I can read Gemma's blog with a clear conscience :)

The last bit of progress is actually not mine but Linda's. Linda was my secret partner in the Crafty Cooks Apron and Recipe Swap and her parcel was waiting for me on our return from a trip to London at the beginning of the week.

Matching apron, teatowel and pot holder! My kitchen has never looked so smart. Linda sent me her tried and tested cookie recipe, which my son has already put in an order for so it looks like the apron will be seeing action very soon.

So that's my progress looking forward to seeing yours.

Linking up to

Lily's Quilts

Lily's Quilts


  1. Gosh you have been busy! Your HST quilt looks great and I'm sure it will be even better once it's had your 5 star quilting treatment! Love your swap items too, lucky girl x

  2. That paper piecing block will make a lovely quilt. Your solids look great.

  3. The HST quilt is beautiful - sorry, no ideas on how to quilt the blocks - and the paper piecing block looks very interesting.

  4. Wow you were busy this month. Glad you got a lovely parcel in the apron swap xxx

  5. You had a busy month. I love your paper pieced block. So cute! Linda did a great job with the apron. This was a great; you and Sam did an awesome job organizing it.

  6. That was a great month, love the look of the test block

  7. Great crafting - I loved looking at all the amazing aprons.

  8. I love that paper piecing block the solids look great!

  9. You've got a lot done. I need to learn how to do those mosaics, of course that would require having enough projects done to fill one. LOL I like the paper Piecing block great angles.

  10. I love all of that adorable paper piecing :-D

  11. Love the colours for the triangles

  12. What fabulous post! I have no thoughts on the quilting I'm afraid, but it does look lovely so whatever you do will look great :D


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