Sunday 12 May 2013

Do you think I have enough now?

Regular readers will probably have guessed by now that I do love a bargain, especially a fabric bargain!

So when I decided to take my car out for a spin yesterday and just happened to find myself outside a quilt shop that I sometimes frequent, well it would have been daft not to go in :) When I then discovered that said quilt shop had had an Open Day last month, which I had missed, but still had some of the Open Day reductions available well it would have been rude not to at least have a look at them, wouldn't it?

Which is why the bundle of Grand Tour fabrics in my stash that used to look like this

Now looks like this!

At £2 per metre, I just couldn't bring myself to pass it up and even although there was over 6 metres of the top pink birds fabric up for grabs, I  could still justify lunch in the coffee shop next door!

A couple of other items might also have found their way into my basket whilst I was browsing :)

The graduated fabric in the back was also in the sale alas at £5 per metre rather than £2, but I have plans for it for one of my overdue Star of Africa Bee blocks, so it was more of a necessity than an indulgence.

The wavy stripe fabric and text FQ's are also planned for and had only been put out on the shelf the day before so was obviously meant to be. 

My car seems to have overcome its' tendency to cut out at random moments too, which was the original purpose of the exercise so, all in all, a successful day out ! 

Linking up to 


  1. Ooo what shop is it that you (sometimes) frequent that had an amazing Open Day reduction sale at 2quid a metre?

  2. You can never have too much fabric!

  3. £2 a metre??? That is what I call clearance - it would have been a crime not to buy it, well done.

  4. Are you sure the car didn't just cut out outside the quilt shop? ;o)

  5. Lol! You are so bad, in a good kind of way!

  6. If only I had a shop at those prices I expect my car would take me there too...or I may I'd just move in!

  7. oh my, what a lovely addition!

  8. My car amazingly finds itself stopping at quilt shops also. What an exciting buy day you had finding that fabric at what I'm assuming must have been a good price. How many US dollars in a pound?

  9. Beautiful fabrics Fiona, there is nothing like getting fabric for a bargain price, its always easier to cut into it!

  10. Less than $4 a metre I'd have grabbed it all too. That's an amazing bargain and it looks great fabric!!!

  11. It looks like beautiful fun fabric! I would have bought it too!!

  12. wow gorgeous :)) could not leave those behind !!

  13. Ooh yay for a fabric bargain!! No one could resist that!

  14. Oh how can one resist a fabric bargain? Lovely fabrics. I love those days when you are not planning to buy anything and stumble upon a great sale.

  15. Fiona that is an unbelievable price for the fabric, it would indeed have been very rude to have left empty handed. A bit similar to me finding Aurifil spools at $6 and just having to buy $132 worth last week - it was just such a bargain!!!

  16. I am laughing at these comments as well as your post. What a delightful price to pay! I have not seen that fabric line before.

  17. Such awesome finds :-D I love all your new loot!


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