Monday 1 April 2013

What's in a name?

Happy April Fool's Day, I hope you have had a few chuckles this morning.

Today I am playing The Name Game at Live a Colorful Life so pop on over there if you have ever wondered why I blog as Celtic Thistle :)

It has been a while since I have been organised enough to write a post looking back on the month, so I am delighted to finally have the time to sit back and reflect on what was a busy month, although not always for sewing reasons.

Nine photos of sewing projects completed in March, an oilcloth washbag, button brooch, fabric basket, And Sew On BOM block, basted quilt, paper-pieced shoe block, three blocks for the Craftsy BOM

1. Challenge Wash Bag, 2. Scissors button brooch, 3. Completed Fabric bag, 4. Seam Ripper block, 5. In Color Order BOM basted, 6. Designer Shoe block, 7. Craftsy BOM sept 2, 8. Craftsy BOM Sept 1, 9. Craftsy August 2

Linking up to Fresh Sewing Day.


  1. Fiona you have achieved a huge amount of blocks in March. Well done.

  2. What a great month you had! l like the shoe block.

  3. Can hardly wait to read abut you blog name! Lovely March makes!!

  4. Fiona I love those crafty blocks. You have been busy in March. Hope April will be too.

  5. great month of sewing for you !!

  6. Lovely o see them all together here, some lovely creative suff!

  7. You had a good month there :o)

  8. Hi Fiona. Just meeting you from Cindy's blog. Your work is just lovely.

  9. Great blocks! I do love your Seam Ripper one!

  10. Your had a great month! A lot of lovely finishes. I really like your shoe block.

  11. Some great finishes - I love the shoe block!

  12. Lovely finishes and i loved reading your name game post!

  13. Great projects this month! My favorite is the Designer Shoe Block you created. I love the added zipper!

  14. That does look like a busy month!


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