Thursday 21 March 2013

Friday Finish

Today's finish has been lurking in my to-do pile for quite a while now. It started out as this many months ago.

Basket of wool in graduating shades of pink and purple

Then it grew a bit bigger and then became the back and front of a cushion and that is where it stopped.

This week when buying fabric for bedroom curtains I finally came across a round cushion pad that was exactly the size needed for these crochet covers, so my excuse for not getting round to finishing the cushion disappeared in the shake of a bank card.

I have never blocked crochet pieces before but just winged it with a bit of a dunk in water, a couple of thick towels and some pins! I am sure there is a more professional way to do it but it worked, although I am not sure I would be so slapdash if it had been anything other than a cushion, which was going to take on the shape of the cushion pad anyway.

Anyhow once the back and front had recovered from their dunking and pinning, some whipstitching with matching wool and this is the result.

Circular striped crochet cushion

The pattern is from Cute and Easy Crochet by Nicki Trench and, like Laura, I have found with this book that the crochet instructions are excellent but beyond that the finishing instructions can only be described as scant!

If you have tried crochet for the first time this month, or indeed any other craft or activity don't forget to link up your posts on March 25th for the next New to Me in 2013 Linky party.

Linking this finish up to

Crazy Mom Quilts

and Sew, love, live for


  1. It does look very pretty! Like I've already bemoaned its just a shame we have to make up the instructions for finishing the pieces!!!

  2. The cushion is beautiful! I like the dark color against the pastels!

    I always find finishing to be the hardest part of any new skill, because the instructions are always scant. It is usually some variation of "Finish however you see fit." :D

  3. The cushion is super cute! I am a bad crocheter and have never blocked any of my pieces. Love the colors you chose. Great finish!

  4. What a cool cushion! Lucky to find an insert that fit. I agree that the finishing is the most difficult on knit and crocheted pieces. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF.

  5. What a fun cushion. I'm visiting from (TGIFF, and also later today Finish it up Friday). I will definitely try to link-up on March 25th since I just started embroidery yesterday for the first time!

  6. Hi Fiona, love the cushion cover, so is that your first go at crochet? Well done, it looks fab!

  7. It looks great! well done you. I block by pinning the item to a towel, then spraying it with water - same result really!

  8. Your cushion cover looks great! I'd never have guessed it was your first attempt. My elderly neighbour taught me to crochet when I was about 6. I remember she described my first attempt as looking like the things they dug up in the garden when they moved in. At the time I was very proud because I imagined she meant buried treasure... ! :)

  9. It looks lovely! Really pretty colours!


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