Monday 18 February 2013

Sneak peeks

Although I have been busy ticking off projects this weekend, I have very little that I can actually show at this time, so instead I will content myself with sharing some sneak peeks!

We visited a local Vintage and Collectors fair at the weekend, where I picked up some (as it turned out essential!) sewing supplies.

I can never resist a button bargain and at 20p for the packet, they were definitely a bargain!

I had a vague idea of using the vintage buckles in a handbag and as it turned out they were used much quicker than I thought they would be.

The smallest of the three I bought was the perfect fit as a slider on an adjustable strap, which was just waiting for supplies to be delivered for finishing. Serendipity indeed :)

Having signed up for The Littlest Thistle's Everything but the Kitchen Sink SAL and not made any attempt to tackle the first block, when she posted the details of the second block recently I thought I had better have a go. Katy gave instructions on how to design a paper-pieced block in Word, which was definitely something I had never even known was possible. The SAL block is for mugs hanging from a mug rack, and I did manage to produce a pattern that vaguely resembles hanging mugs. I haven't gotten around to actually piecing the block yet as I was so taken with the possibilities of producing a pattern in Word that I had to have another go.

The theme for January's month's block in the Star of Africa Bee is shoes and I have had an idea in the back of my head for a while of what I would like to do, but until now not the capacity to actually do it. However, here is a sneak peek of my very first Word generated paper-piecing pattern.

Paper-piecing and zips I must be mad!

Thanks Katy for putting me right on the numbering :)

Finally here is another sneak peek of an exciting upcoming project that I have been working on with the lovely UKMUMINUSA.

I think I have teased you enough for now. Hopefully all will be revealed in the not-too distant future!

Linking up to Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link-Up, which this week is at Weekend Doings.


  1. Sneak peaks are always fun! Love those cute embroidered hankies (is that what they are) in your first photo!

  2. UKMUMINUSA makes gorgeous aprons and there's an apron in the pic??? Hoping we don't have to wait TOO long...

  3. All this mystery - can't wait to see the finished makes!

  4. I love it when i randomly buy something that i then need within days, serendipity indeed for you! : )

  5. I like a little suspense ; )

  6. Oooh, now I'm intrigued by the zip!

  7. Wow, that is certainly a lot of "sneak peeks." Can't wait to see the results. Sounds lovely.

  8. Ooh some fab sneak peeks!

    I am impressed at a zip in a paper pieced pattern! Can't wait to see what you've done there!

  9. I love going to the flea market and finding supplies! What fun. :)

  10. You have left me in suspense... great sneak peaks! How wonderful that you can create a paper pieced block in work. I'd love to know more about it and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects.

  11. Very intriguing! You certainly have an eye for lovely finds. I'm looking forward to seeing what your doing with them all :)


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