Thursday 7 February 2013

Beside the Seaside

Aren't these fun?

These are seats on the promenade at Whitley Bay, where I went for the Wire-knitting workshop. The shelters were designed by Richard Broderick and are definitely needed at this time of year!

I don't think mine or my sons' sandcastles were ever as impressively straight-sided as these.

Wire-knitting was my second workshop in a week at Made.

The first was called "Get Gorgeous" and involved lots of grating, melting and mixing to produce these.

We made a chocolate-flavoured lip balm, variously scented bath melts, scented bath salts, a brown sugar body scrub and a lemon and lime hand scrub. All in the space of two hours too!

So if you are anywhere in the North East of England and come across a very fragrant and buffed to within an inch of her life female licking her lips, say hello won't you :)

Linking up to Really Random Thursday


  1. What a cute little shop. Making lip balm sounds like a fun class with delicious results lol.

  2. Those bath melts look yummy enough to eat!

  3. Looks like a lovely place, and a yummy workshop.

  4. That sounds like a fun workshop. So exactly what is wire knitting?

  5. If I'm ever in NE England, after having a cup of coffee with said female, I'll be heading straight for the craft shops and exploring little villages.

  6. Love the look of those seats!! Such a clever idea!!

  7. Don't the seats look great! Do you know it's your month on the star of Africa bee?

  8. Sounds like fun! Brown sugar body scrub, sounds wonderful for all that dry skin this time of year!


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