Wednesday 5 December 2012

Swaps, Boots and WIP's

Last weekend my daughter-in-law, son's girlfriend and I nipped off to Dusseldorf to sample our first German Christmas market. Last year we all went to Copenhagen for some Christmas market retail therapy and spent the weekend dodging howling gales and rain, so we were hoping for a better experience this time. Well, whilst there was heavy rain on Saturday night it didn't put a dampener on our fun as there were places like this to shelter in!

My lovely blogging friend, Fiona, had explained the deposit system for the Gluhwein glasses before we went so we didn't waste precious shopping/drinking time working out what to pay :)

As you can see we were so taken by a couple of the wine mugs that they managed to sneak into our bags for home! The Gluhwein was pretty good too.

We would have loved to have fitted one of these fun bird boxes in to our bags, but just couldn't make the space :(

And whilst space wasn't a problem with the biscuit cutters from this stall, narrowing down the choice was!

Aside from indulging myself with the odd Gluhwein there has been some sewing in progress too this week. Today is the deadline for sending off my package for the Modern Scrappy Bits Swap. As well as scraps participants are asked to send a handmade item, so I have been having a go at a pouch pattern I found in an old issue (12) of Making magazine.

The Christmas one will be ideal for the OPI nail polishes I have as stocking fillers for my fellow market shoppers. My partner in the Modern Scrappy Bits Swap has said that she likes linen and text fabrics, so I am hoping that the second pouch will be to her liking.

This is what is going in the package today.

The pouches used a construction method that was new to me. You attached the zip by making two tubes, one with the lining and one with the exterior then turned it lining side out to stitch the ends before turning the pouch back right side out. It makes more sense probably when you see this photo!

It was a neat way to do it and quick, although it does mean that you have a raw seam at each end on the inside.

More stocking fillers are on the agenda with my Origami Liberty flower brooch kit that arrived in the post yesterday from the very talented Catherine at Knotted Cotton.

I am really looking forward to having a go at these and they may not all make their way into stockings! If you haven't already check out Catherine's tutorial for the Origami flower brooches here they are lovely.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

There is still time to enter my entry in the Sew Mama Sew giveaway, you will find all the details here or vote for my entry in the Ring Your Neck scarf challenge.

Vote: Ring Your Neck Scarf Challenge


  1. I don't know why I am so afraid of zippers but I am. Nice job on the pouches:-)

  2. Adorable bird houses and the cookie cutter vendor...WOW!! I can certainly see the problem with making a choice! Your pouches are very cute.

  3. What a fun little get away! I'm a little jealous. Thanks for the link for the brooch, I'm going to give it a try.

  4. Glad you enjoyed your trip to Düsseldorf! I took your advice and have ordered some fat quarters (from Amy Butler's Lark collection and Valori Wells Cocoon range - they will probably go together but, if not, I'll make two separate projects!) which are currently winging their way across the Channel. Looking forward to doing some quilting!

    I like the pouches can never have enough of those type of things for stocking fillers and the brooch look like a fun idea too.

  5. What a fun trip! I'm drooling over the buscuit cutter stall. Congratulations on receiving the kit from Catherine; I love her tutorial for the brooch. I like the idea of the zipper puoches to give as small Christmas presents. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6. Oh so fun. Next time you're in Germany you have to visit! We have a great little Christmas market here and then there are other ones in the towns all around us.

  7. Those bird houses look amazing - so cute. I love the little pouches - I may have to look that up and have a go!

  8. Looks like a fun weekend, love the wacky bird houses!

  9. Love the pouches you made, what a unusual way of doing the zipper, I haven't come across this way before. German Christmas markets are so much fun.

  10. Aren't the markets great! And such a good idea with the mug deposit scheme, the Christmas goodies are looking good too

  11. I would love to go to one of those German Christmas Markets, I bet it really puts you in the festive mood!
    Those pouches are wonderful, that does looks a different way to do a zip! I always make the ends of my zips look so untidy!

  12. The German Christmas Market looks great! I like your pouches :)

  13. I have always wanted to go to a German Christmas market. One day... : ) Thanks for posting the photos. Love them!


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