Thursday 20 December 2012

Buttons, Blocks and Bows

On my recent visit North I managed to have a rummage around in my mum's button box. There were buttons in there that had belonged to her mum. So with a bit of encouragement on my part I "acquired" some of them to add to my own button stash :)

Mum's buttons

They came in very handy when I had a go at making some Origami Fabric Flower brooches from Knotted Cotton. I was lucky enough to be the recipient of a kit for three flower brooches from the lovely Catherine, but they were so quick to make that I whipped up another one in no time.

Origami fabric flowers

If you are looking for a really quick, last-minute make these definitely fit the bill. You can find Knotted Cotton's tutorial here.

This month sees the final blocks of the Sunday Morning Quilts Bee and this month's colour is pink. I discovered that pink is not a colour that features heavily in either my stash or scraps, so all I can say is thank goodness for fabric swaps!

SMQ  block Dec 2

SMQ Blocks Dec

This was the first Bee I ever joined and it seems like ages since I nervously put together my first blocks, although it was only 6 months. Round 2 kicks off next month when we are making blocks for specific quilts from the book. As my book is still somewhere in storage I will need to get a move on and find the box soon.

The first Bee request for Round 2 is for low-value fabrics, which I have discovered I do not possess, so some fabric shopping will be called for in the New Year sales!

In the meantime I am planning to get some last-minute sewing done before my son comes home and reclaims his room :)

Hope you are all having a relaxed run-up to the Big Day, or if not that you are at least enjoying some festive spirit!


  1. Your brooches look lovely:-)

    The flares and poodle fabric in your blocks is amazing!

  2. Aren't swaps fun? It seems like a lot of pressure, but the blocks actually don't take that long. Enjoy ; )

  3. Those blocks are great! Surprisingly I have that book - can't wait to see what you make from it. Happy Christmas!!

  4. Those little origami flowers are so sweet! The blocks are lovely as usual!

  5. Oh what a shame - you'll have to go fabric shopping!! ;)

    Loving the fabric origami!

  6. Those brooches are great and I love the earring you made (below). Merry Christmas! :)

  7. those flowers are lovely! I'm going to have a look at that tutorial.

  8. Fabric shopping, how heartbreaking for you... ;o) Love the button raid!

  9. My son has moved back home for a few months, but there was no way I was giving up my sewing room (his old room 10 years ago). He's in his sister's old room, which is smaller. I LOVE the buttons on the flower brooches!!! I do hope you can cope with having to go fabric shopping... LOL!!!

  10. Great blocks, SUCH a shame about having to o fabric shopping: sister, I feel your pain!!!

  11. Ah, I used to love rummaging through my mom's button jar! And what a creative use for them. I actually have a book on origami fabric folding on hold in a wish list on that I'm still hoping to get one day. Your brooches are so sweet!


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