Friday 27 April 2012

Playing and Floating!

Before we went on holiday I signed up for the Siblings Together charity appeal launched by Lynne at Lily's Quilts, but have only now got around to starting on the blocks. Knowing my limitations I did not sign up to making a complete quilt but, instead, committed to making blocks to go towards a quilt. Judith at needles and lemons volunteered to co-ordinate a quilt from simple log-cabin style blocks, and here are the first of my blocks to be ready for posting.

The batik fabrics are scraps from a quilt that I made for my youngest son to take to University, so are, I think, especially appropriate for this quilt and cause. I always enjoy seeing the camaraderie between my 3 boys when they get together, as they did over Easter, so hope that some of that will be passed on in the quilt blocks. For more information about the charity and the quilt appeal check here and in the Flickr group here

I am obviously in signing-up mode at the moment, as I have just signed up to take part in Sew Happy Geek's Play mini-quilt challenge! The challenge invites participants to make a mini-quilt based upon a playing card, and having never made a mini-quilt I thought that it was about time that I had a go. There are some great prizes on offer too, so if you are a keen bridge player or poker fiend, head on over to Sew Happy Geek to find out how to indulge your twin passions and maybe pick up a prize along the way!

I found these fabrics in my stash, so think I might use them in the challenge. That, I have to say is as far as I have got in the planning and the min quilt has to be submitted by May 21st, so I need to get a move on :)

This is a short post as I am heading out to have a Berry and Ginger spa treatment. I won a voucher for the spa at a Christmas Bazaar, but have only just got around to making the appointment. The voucher runs out on April 30th, so I have just made it. Apparently after the peel and fragrant oil massage I will be floating on my own personal, perfumed cloud. so in exactly the right frame of mind to tackle the outstanding blocks on the NY Beauty QAL!


  1. Great blocks for a great cause!

    Keen to see what you make for your mini quilt challenge - very intriguing!

    Ooh enjoy your spa treatment - that sounds so lovely!

  2. Yay for more blocks for the cause. I'm intending to spend the Mayday Bank Holiday weekend assembling the tops I was sent into 2 whole quilts.

    Good luck with the comp, and enjoy your perfumed cloud - I could do with one of those today o.O

  3. Can't wait to see what you come with! Love your fabric choices for the mini - looks just like something that would be on the back side of a deck of cards. I'm dreaming of sewing while watching you! I'm hoping life will calm down soon so I can get back to my sewing.

  4. Fun charity blocks! Good luck on the challenge, those fabrics you pulled look perfect! I hope you had a relaxing spa day. Those NY Beauty Blocks are intense, I think I am going to be working on those all year :D

  5. I love those blue/green batiks. Your blocks look great. I look forward to seeing your mini quilt :)

  6. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I love the 2 fabrics you picked out especially the white floral. The two look amazing together. Hope you had fun at the spa. I am planning to catch up on some blocks this weekend, hoping to get lots of time with my sewing machine. Maybe the stars will line up and I will get totaly caught up by the end of the month. 8)

  7. I love those fabrics!!! Red is one of my favorites. Jodi


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